Skedaddle wilderness study area
Skedaddle wilderness study area

skedaddle wilderness study area

VMS (high Fe and Cd) and PMV (high Fe and metals) sphalerite samples showed faster rates of sphalerite dissolution (10 -9 to 10 -10 mol/L/s Zn +2 ) and Fe solubilization (10 -9 to 10 -10 mol/L/s total Fe), and higher aqueous trace metals compared to MVT sphalerite that has low Fe and trace metals these characteristics are manifested by slower rates of sphalerite dissolution (10 -10 to 10 -11 mol/L/s Zn +2 ) and Fe solubilization (10 -12 mol/L/s total Fe), and low aqueous metals compared to VMS and PMV samples. An important control on dissolution rates is solubilized iron that eventually produces Fe(III), a strong oxidant of sphalerite. more Sphalerite from Mississippi Valley type (MVT), volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), and polymetallic vein (PMV) ore deposits show variable rates of dissolution and resulting aqueous metals concentrations under acid conditions. Sphalerite from Mississippi Valley type (MVT), volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), and. HREE-enriched eudialyte-bearing pegmatites and felsic dikes have been discovered in numerous places within and along the margins of the pluton and extending up to 1 km into the country rocks as well as molybdenite and iron oxide mineral occurrences at its margins (Barker and Mardock, 1990 Philpotts and others, 1993 Taylor and others, 2014). However, the DBIC is significantly less-well-mineralized and is under-explored due to complicated private land status issues. The DBIC is Early Jurassic in age (Bala and others, 2014) and is U-Th-heavy rare earth element (HREE)-enriched like the Bokan Mountain intrusive complex 30 km to the south (Philpotts and others 1998 Dostal and others, 2011 Taylor and others, 2016 2017). Geological Survey (USGS) from surface exposures of the Dora Bay igneous complex (DBIC), located in the southern part of Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska. more This data release presents the major and trace element chemistry of rock samples collected by the U.S. This data release presents the major and trace element chemistry of rock samples collected by the. Waste pile sampling was accomplished by adapting the sampling strategy outlined by Smith and others (. This is the first geochemical database for a regional subset of IOA ore and mine waste products. In-ground ore, mine waste piles, and tailings piles could contain apatite and other REE-bearing phases at elevated concentrations indicating potential as REE resources. These apatite crystals are especially enriched in Y, La, Ce, and Nd. The ore from historic iron mines of the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, contain abundant quantities of rare earth element (REE)-bearing apatite crystals. The waste pile samples included twenty-five samples collected from rubble-sized mine waste piles and four samples from processed tailings piles. more Thirty-four ore, twenty-nine mine waste, seven host rock, two pegmatite, and one slag sample were collected from iron oxide-apatite (IOA) mines in the eastern Adirondack Highlands near Mineville and Ticonderoga, New York, from March 2016 to August 2018. (If the map doesn't appear, click on the word map on the tool bar at the top of the page).Thirty-four ore, twenty-nine mine waste, seven host rock, two pegmatite, and one slag sample were.

#Skedaddle wilderness study area download

At this point you can hit the "+" key in the bottom left of the WSA section (next to "add to cart") and you can view the data in a map or hit the disc/save button, immediately to the left of the "+" sign and download the shapefile.Then scroll down the list to: BLM NV NLCS Wilderness Study Areas Polygons, click Search.Once on this site, in the search box type in BLM_NV.Instructions to access BLM Geospatial Business Platform NOTE: If you are interested in viewing a BLM Nevada Wilderness Study Area (WSA) map, you can access the shapefiles from the BLM Geospatial Business Platform. There are three segments of the East Fork of the Carson River, located in Alpine County, California that have been determined eligible for inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Collectively, all three segments total approx. Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area.Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area.National Monument and National Conservation Areas Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution.

Skedaddle wilderness study area