If you cant get this method to work have your low rider inside popular street garage from the start like the video. Make sure you only press triangle or Y once As you can screw the car up simply drive it back into popular street garage and repeat the process.

Step 8: Stand under the car and press Triangle or Y to get in. Now you should have a invisible car push the car out into the middle of the road and have your friend pick it up with the cargo bob. Step 7: Replace a rebel and walk back out. With selling 10-20 a day it'll be a revolving process for the next week. Still in restmode to doing old version, but have about 20-30 more spots to fill.
Step 6: Drive your low rider into your garage do not accept the invite 1 Reaction score 1,207 Points 350 johnny bana said: Slammed full and in restmode. you must not leave the area, as the glitch will not work your friend needs to get your car and bring it to you. Step 5: You need to leave the death match and call Mors Mutual and get your car back.

Once you have successfully returned back the car should be gone if it is still there the glitch didn't work. Step 4: Your friend should accept the deathmatch invite as you disappear into your garage. Step 3: You need to steal a street car and drive it into Supply street garage and accept the black screen message. Grand Theft Auto Online has remained active since its release in 2013, but despite numerous patches, the game still has one major issue: making money in GTA Online is boring. Players should try these few remaining glitches before they’re gone. Step 2: Run over next to Supply street garage and have your friend shoot you and send them a 1 vs 1 deathmatch invite. Published Money glitches are a dying art in GTA Online since Rockstar patches most of them. Step 1: Drive the Low rider out of Popular Street Garage and blow it up. Get 1 or 2 friends, Cargo bob and a truck. You need 3 garages minimum, use Unit 2 Popular Street and 331 Supply Street, The 3rd garage needs to have at least 2 free car slots for the glitch to work per Duplication!įill 2 Garages full off rebels and 1 Low rider, put the Low rider in the Popular street garage. WARNING DO NOT SELL ORIGINAL COPY THE DUPES WILL DISAPPEAR!!
Hello i have a duplication glitch here for you guys to duplicate low riders and bypass 45 min wait this is working on update 1.31 the original glitch wasn't founded by me as i took the dupe street cars glitch and modified it to dupe your own personal vehicle THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE FRIENDS CARS!! and this has been tested on PS4 only as of this post was created.